5 New Hiring Trends Job Seekers Should Be Aware Of

Successful job interview with boss and employee handshaking
Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.com

Editor’s Note: This story originally appeared on FlexJobs.com.

What are the latest hiring trends — which will be applicable for the long-term — that today’s job seekers need to keep on their radar screen?

FlexJobs tapped a panel of workplace and remote work experts for their insights. Their top five hiring trends are below.

Flex and Hybrid Roles Are Expected

Happy remote worker talking on the phone while working on laptop
David Benito / Shutterstock.com

Hybrid roles have become the norm since the start of the pandemic, according to Susan Sweenie, vice president of operations for Mindfull Marketing, who has represented a team of virtual employees for two decades.

Sweenie explained that the reason for the increased and ongoing popularity of hybrid roles is that “workers have now proven to the powers that be that they are capable of still getting tasks completely remotely but are willing to be on site as well.”

As a result, Sweenie says that in tandem with job seekers being more selective in the roles they choose, companies are also willing to be more flexible with their work model in order to attract and retain talent.

Remote Work? Yes, Please

comfortable remote worker houseplants
DimaBerlin / Shutterstock.com

“When it comes to remote work, the biggest current trend is there is a lot more of it!” said Debbie Vasen, who has been working remotely for over two decades and whose current role is chief content officer at LoveToKnow Media, a remote-first company.

Even so, Vasen emphasized that many companies are still trying to navigate the virtual office place, which means remote job seekers should take the time to have a plan and presence that show they can be successful as a virtual employee.

“Make sure your home office is professional, that you have a super-fast internet connection, and have all the high-quality virtual tools,” Vasen said. “Have talking points about how you can be a successful remote worker. Consider all the ways you can show them you can be highly productive working from home.”

Talent Wars Continue

Prospective employees in business attire wait in line for job interviews
Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.com

There’s currently intense competition for the limited numbers of high-quality candidates, with increased salaries being offered across a range of sectors (tech in particular), according to former recruiter Andrew Fennell.

Fennell — who has a decade of experience in global recruitment and now leads StandOut CV — suggests that job seekers who want a remote role should clarify what the employer’s policy is, with some companies pushing for a return to office.

“It’s advisable to closely review any employment terms, as mention of ‘remote working’ might not mean what you think,” Fennell said.

Businesses Trying to Combat Burnout

Workers at an ad agency
Kzenon / Shutterstock.com

Another workplace trend that Fennell flagged is related to mental well-being, citing research that shows burnout and mental health problems are mentioned as the most common reasons for someone to leave a job during the Great Resignation.

“Hiring trends right now focus on how businesses combat this, and you’ll find lots discussed around the safeguarding of mental health and prevention of burnout,” Fennell said. “This helps to create a positive environment but may be something you want to ask about.”

Workers Primed for Pivots

Career coach
shyshak roman / Shutterstock.com

Corey Berkey, senior vice president of people and talent at Employ Inc., explained that the current labor market “has a lot of movement to it,” with people hopping from employer to employer.

“Everyone seems to be pivoting careers,” said Berkey, who is an experienced HR executive with over a decade of experience in employee relations, benefits management, compensation strategy, talent acquisition, and HR policies.

“Some workers are considering a return to former employers. Labor markets are tightly constrained. And according to Employ’s latest report, one-third of workers feel comfortable quitting a job without having another lined up.”

According to Berkey, all of this drives a need for job seekers to be clear on what they want, since companies are moving fast to recruit in order to compete in the current hot labor market.

“You should be prepared to be whisked through the interview process so that the organization you’re interviewing with can have the chance to offer you before their competitor does,” Berkey said. “Know what you want so when you see it, you can expedite — but not hastily rush — your decision.”

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