8 Homeowner Expenses That Are Still Rising in 2023

Upset woman looking at her electricity bill
Nicoleta Ionescu / Shutterstock.com

The long bout of inflation that has bedeviled household budgets from coast to coast finally shows some signs of moderating. But prices are still rising, and homeowners are feeling the bite.

An overwhelming majority of homeowners — 89% — said they noticed a bump in the cost of home utilities and services over the winter months, according to a survey of around 1,000 adults by SaveOnEnergy.com, an energy broker and comparison website that tries to match customers with electricity plans.

And an even larger number of homeowners — 91% — said they are concerned about monthly household expenses, including 53% who are “very concerned.”

Following are the costs that went up between September 2022 and March 2023 and sent a big chill through the hearts — and wallets — of America’s homeowners.

1. Electricity

power outage
Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.com

Homeowners who noticed this expense increased between September 2022 and March 2023: 68%

When prices rise, consumers typically try to find ways to cope. That’s as true for rising electricity costs as anything else.

More than three-quarters of the survey’s American homeowners — 77% — turned off lights when they were not in use in an attempt to cut their energy costs over the winter. Another one-third (34%) unplugged electronics when they were not in use, and 28% looked for and tried to seal air leaks.

All of these measures are good practices regardless of the state of inflation. But in a time of rising prices, they become necessities for households struggling to pay the bills.

2. Utility gas services

Natural gas
Vova Shevchuk / Shutterstock.com

Homeowners who noticed this expense increased between September 2022 and March 2023: 52%

Back in October, the U.S. Energy Information Administration estimated that households would likely spend 28% more on natural gas costs than they did in the previous winter. As it turned out, more than half of homeowners said their bill for gas services did indeed increase, the SaveOnEnergy.com survey found.

If higher bills have you down, fight back with the tips in “7 Energy Saving Tips to Lower Utility Bills.”

3. Water

Man drinking sparkling water
damato / Shutterstock.com

Homeowners who noticed this expense increased between September 2022 and March 2023: 45%

We all depend on water to live, so this is one rising cost that cannot be easily trimmed.

Still, there are steps you can take to reduce your water bill. For more, check out “9 Mistakes That Are Running Up Your Water Bill.”

Other rapidly rising bills

Shocked couple watching TV
Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.com

Other bills that homeowners said went up during the past winter include:

  • Cable services/TV subscriptions: 41% of homeowners noticed an increase between September and March
  • Internet prices: 36%
  • Sanitation/garbage pickup: 29%
  • Home phone: 15%
  • Landscaping: 14%

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